Our projects
The main project area is located in the most Northern Region of Madagascar- the Diana region (red). Most work is done in and around Anivorano-Nord township (red cross-north) at Centre de Sante de Base Niveau II- Anivorano Nord.
In 2012, on a request of the Ministry of Health we opened a new project site in the town of Ambovombe in the most Southern Region of Madagascar; Ambovombe-Androy. The southern region is even more challenging due to high prevalence of moderate and severe child malnutrition and very limited access to medical care.
Each project site has a local project manager. MHI has also country coordinator who assists people in and out of the country and in and around the capital. They also serve as your contacts while in Madagascar. Each has an email and mobile phone.
To learn more about the projects please click here: Frequently asked questions about volunteering-MHI